Cronin Business has extensive experience with Government Contracting within the Oracle Projects suite. Our consultants have expertise with applying Earned Value concepts in large, complex organizations. We have developed the Government Contracting Pack plug-in that contains the following features:
Allows Oracle Projects users to automatically generate Cost Performance Report formats 1 to 5 directly out of Oracle.
Provides a standard interface with WinSite
Generates the DD250
Fully supports Government Contracting Billing Requirements
Sample Format 1- Cost Performance Report:

Earned Value Requirements and Certification
The “Government Contracting Pack” compiles with the ANSI/EIA-748-A: Standard for Earned Value Management Systems Intent Guide -32 Earned Value Guidelines
In addition the “Contracting Pack” contains a DD250. This report is generated directly from the Oracle Applications. DD250 – Material Receiving and Inspection Report

The Pack also contains extensive contract billing extensions. These extensions fully support government contracting requirements.